self love |
improving |
creating |
Our services are designed to provide transformational healing so that you can:
Isn't in time to be honest?
RELEASETo live our truth we must release the shame and blame of the past. Emotional releasing makes room for new beliefs and space for self love. Experience the healing process of retrieving your younger self and changing the past by shifting perception. Letting go of playing victim...priceless. Begin by setting up a one-on-one session today, and see what tools you can implement to open the door to freedom.
FoundationThe practice of Self-Love begins with exploration, ritual, and commitment. The daily practices found within the Foundation nourish our needs and feed our self curiosity. The practice of self-love allows us to be present for others, be at peace to receive joy, and to be of service to the highest good. An investment in self with a great return! To begin your journey sign up for the online program 40 Days of Self-Love and bring a friend for free!
EXPANSIONAs we begin to feel deserving we are able to manifest our desires with ease. Miracles surround us; everywhere, all the time. We can only receive what we truly believe we deserve. Manifestation can only happen where desire and deservability meet. It isn't an easy road if we aren't inspired. Learn how to discover your Passion, live your Purpose, and create your Prosperity in the Passion, Purpose, Prosperity online Program. Creating community creates inspiration!
STRENGThenWe have many "bodies" the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Much like our physical muscles the other bodies have muscles and memory as well. It is easy to desire a beautiful physique; as we expand we also begin to seek defining and strengthening the "unseen" bodies. We become beautiful inside and out. The Foundation is a daily practice that STRENGTHENS ALL our bodies; check it out here; The Foundation
BEGINHumans always have a million reasons why we can't begin something new. We are too busy, too tired, too broke...the truth is we are those things because we aren't allowing the new beginning. We must INVITE the change and make the time, space and investment in ourselves. READY? A great place to start is in Circle with like-minded people. It's always amazing to find out that you are not alone. See the upcoming events here; Events
BIRTHBirthing is the process of gifting life to something (like a business, a book, a program, etc...or someone; like a baby) outside of ourselves. Witnessing and supporting the growth of this gift is a test of our patience, tenacity and the realization of our own divinity. It takes courage and a little bit of crazy to give birth...whew! You are worth the effort, it's time to get the support you need. Start today by reaching out: [email protected]
One on one counselingThe process of healing and receiving our Soul's gifts is a daily practice takes consistency and patience. Anything that tells us healing and growth happen overnight will leave us without lasting results. Weekly personalized sessions are meant to support you with practical proven tools and gentle guidance.
Group Retreats Current and past retreats offered in Sedona & Los Angeles focus on self-love, relationships, transformation, prosperity and more.